If you are searching for faster than light propulsion for spacecraft then you are in the right place. ShwayComs is a umbrella group aggregating patent office submissions of which all patent ideas were developed by Stefan Tubman from conception to present. From Space Crane which you can develop to do heavy lifting to a future of putting up space infrastructure in a futuristic setting to accomplish alot with Haptic / Centripetal Propeller for developing vehicles. Centripetal Propeller allows one to enable satellite mobility and develop robust vehicles for asteroid mining as well as vehicles for colonizing our solar system, vtol, our imagination is the only limit. There are neither third parties nor partners such as companies / entities of which I presently or have been in the past affiliated with exception some collaboration SL-01 magnetics proactively offered via Open Aerospace and Washington University. Patent applications are a lengthy endeavor and can take many years to fully formalize resulting in verbose recognition at all administrative levels. In publishing my ideas publicly here this allows interested parties to take a look at them; note they have all been submitted to PRV the Swedish patent administration office to time date the original threads of these patents. This does not take away from me; you are welcome to have a read for your enjoyment and information, like many inventors out there I am happy to share my ideas with others at the basic level. Naturally for patents we as well invoke herewith copyright articles established internationally for the written word in what I publish with regard to plagiarism afforded so loosely.


Currently i apply myself as a logistician and innovator towards which i am working conscientiously. My introduction to the sciences began at an American international school later to be formally documented with exams by a British institute of education participating along the framework of ordinary and advanced level certificate granting body; I have a basic education in combined sciences. I went on to study business book keeping and then back later on to technical theoretical at masters level studying logistics transportation post graduate level here in Scandinavia at Chalmers University Of Technology.

Having been documenting, inventing things for several years now, some of my early patent applications “Millennium-Era” were a great fascination for me from start; also I took part in NASA Glenn's Breakthrough Propulsion Physics initiative BPPP in 2002 post graduate studies. You could say that my bearings are coming steadfast to the earth and a more understandable approach at inventing something intelligible by others.

You are invited to at your own pace have a browse through what is presented here on the site leaving a comment gladly even if it is either a word of encouragement like some of my siblings have been like to give in the past or a critical observation along the lines of what I am thinking with email. I am not asking that you do my work for me but your thoughts are a reward perhaps for putting up this site and spending out of pocket to share ideas. Letters of intent to investigate / evaluate supporting articles are appreciated in an effort of endowment adding to my documentation are some of these correspondence from several companies. Shwaycoms is currently for sale with all of it's patent threads and thier predecessor iterations; these patent applications pending some of which in iteration are at various stages with the patent office for example both Space Crane and Veloci / Centripetal Propeller have been processed to a degree with annual fees paid having had international type search and found to be unique ideas internationally. In view of the grand scheme of things considering what can be accomplished in space with asteroid mining and spacefaring generally along with civil aviation we value break through propulsion, lift, the Shwaycoms workspace is valued at twenty five billion usd; further to this you may even be fortunate to realize rewarding spinoffs by your own efforts when developing these concepts. Sponsors interested in further documentation/development/assisting or taking on regarding any of these ideas are welcome I am physically available to you for verifying and doing test evaluation experiments at your facility at any time.

Thanks - stefan@shwaycoms.com
Physics Moderation and Logistics Theoretical with International Translated Web Version